Ahh...Summer in Minnesota. There are certain things you can always count on: corn on the cob, thunderstorms, high humidity, mosquitoes and vacation bible school!
This week our church celebrated Baobab Blast. Becca and Harry joined a new program called LIT which stood for Leaders in Training. They helped in different areas including songs, games and working in a classroom. Becca worked with Kindergartners and Harry worked with 4 year olds. Harry loved that the kids bonded to him. He is really good with small children (minus his sister) and will make a great babysitter some day. He just has to find that balance of playing with the kids and watching out for their safety.
Bella enjoyed her 2nd grade class for bible school and all of the activities and crafts they did. She did take issue with the fact that they called her class "2nd grade" when clearly she was a third grader now. They based the classes on the grade you had just finished. She reported to me that several of her classmates were also unhappy with the "2nd grade" title.
I helped out with snacks and registration this year. I have done several different areas over the years including drama, classroom teacher, and storytelling. Next year I will help with the mystery bus as Bella will be old enough to go on it. The mystery is like the pinnacle for vacation bible school. Kids that have completed 3rd and 4th grade go on a bus all day to different "surprise" activities (only the parents know where they are headed) to learn about bible lessons. Can't wait!
What would the week be without some sort of crisis? Yesterday, I received a call about 1pm saying that Harry had hit his head at vacation bible school and it was bleeding badly. When I arrived, the bleeding was under control, but his hair was soaked in blood. He had been playing on the floor during lunch and had somehow banged his head on the base of the couch in the youth room. Needless to say, the "play" was probably beyond the scope of what was allowed. Off we went to the urgent care. The Dr. at urgent care was very nice. He told Harry everything he was going to do before he did it so he knew what to expect. He even gave Harry the option of staples or stitches for his cut. The cut was not very deep, but about 1 inch long. I guess on the scalp they have to use stitches to close up the wound because it won't close on its own very well and with the oil in the scalp, the wound would likely become infected. Anyway, Harry opted for the stitches instead of the staples and he wanted to go back to vacation bible school to finish up the day. I suspect it was to show off his stitches...
Up next week: Girl Scout Camp!