This past weekend I did something I haven't done in several years. I went to work. I have been out of the workforce ever since I decided to homeschool. A friend of mine moved to Montana about a year ago and became involved in a company called JuJu Gear. They make super cute skirts by repurposing old clothes (mostly t-shirts, but sweaters, and other cute fabric is used as well). Anyway, about two weeks ago she posted that there was an opportunity to open a flagship JuJu store in MN, about 15 minutes away from where I live. About 25 women she knew responded on Facebook that they wanted to help out/work in the store and just like that the store was staffed.
I helped set up the store this past weekend and it looked like this.
One of the cute things the store has is a "build your own JuJu skirt" station for American Girl size dolls and teddy bears. Little girls can come in and pick out some material and we will create a one of a kind JuJu skirt for their doll or bear. Bella gave me permission to bring one of her teddy bears and an American Girl Doll to the store to use as models. Here they are in their new JuJu.
There are some great things about JuJu skirts. First, since they come from repurposed clothing, not one is like another. No one likes to show up somewhere wearing the same thing as someone else. Wearing a JuJu assures you never will. Also, we are saving landfills, one clothing item at a time. Oh, and they might just be the most comfortable clothing item around. They have elastic waists and the cotton t-shirts do not rub your skin. Finally, you can wear it any way you want. Wear it one day, then the next turn it around a little and it appears to be a brand new skirt!
As an employee, of course I had to buy some new JuJu skirts to wear to work. Here's my latest ones.
Front skirt 1 |
Back skirt 1 |
Front skirt 2 |
Back skirt 2 |
Front skirt 3 |
Back skirt 3 |
So if you live in or around Eden Prairie Center in Minnesota come check us out. Here's a picture of our super cute and lively staff. We can't wait for you to stop in and discover the world of JuJu.
And if you don't live close to Eden Prairie, MN, that's ok. There's a way you can become part of the JuJu experience. Visit They have an online store and even better if you have some favorite tshirts lying around that might have a few holes, but you just can't let go of, well good news! JuJu gear can use those tshirts and make you a brand new customized JuJu skirt! So all those shirts from races you have run, or that drawer full of concert t-shirts can transform into what might just become your favorite piece of clothing EVER!
Hurry in! We are a seasonal store at this point. Only through the holidays. But good JuJu can lead to great things, so who knows...
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