It's been awhile since my last entry. No particular reason, just life. Sometimes, life gets in the way and we loose touch with certain things. That pretty much sums it up. I'll do my best to catch everyone up to date on the last month of Rowe activities and events.
We are heading into the final stretch of the 2011-2012 school year. 4th quarter. Everyone seems on track and focused. Ask me in a month and I'm sure it will be a different story. That last month of school can be brutal. Weather is too nice, field trips get planned, and suddenly it is a struggle to pull the kids over the finish line of June 8th.
Last week was Spring Break, Becca's 16th birthday and Easter. Wow, nothing like packing everything into one week. Much to the kids' dismay, there was no exciting trip for Spring Break this year. I did happen to hear from them that EVERYONE, but them managed to get away, so there's that. Glad to hear people are pumping money into the economy, or rather the economies of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Europe. Poor deprived Rowe children...
We did manage to visit the Science Museum during Spring Break and saw the Pirate exhibit, which I found to be very interesting. It was all about the Pirate ship, the Whydah, that sank off the coast of New England. I especially loved seeing the real gold and silver. Behind a glass case of course. I'm pretty sure that was for my safety, so I wouldn't be hauled off to jail for stealing.
On another day of break, Becca, Bella, and I went to explore Minnehaha Falls. I hadn't been there in years. Still just as beautiful.
We also visited a Ukranian Church in Minneapolis for Palm Sunday. They were having a "bazaar" after the Mass with perogies which our family adores and I refuse to try to make by hand. I managed to somehow read the time of the Mass incorrectly and we arrived at 9:30am and it had already started. Considering it went until 11:10am, I would say we were there for about all the kids could handle. My Grandmother on my Dad's size was Ukrainian and went to a Church just like the one we visited. Being in the church brought back lots of memories of her and the kids love learning about their "history".
On to the event of the year, Becca's 16th birthday. I am completely kidding, well sort of. I mean it was a very special event for our family, but get out of your mind any ideas of "Sweet Sixteen", the MTV show that ran a few years ago and showed lavish, over the top parties, where the kids drove away at the end in their new Mercedes or Range Rover. Our party featured the likes of steak, lobster, cheese, chocolate and a couple of fondue pots. We went for a night on the town to downtown Minneapolis to visit
The Melting Pot. I had never been there before.

And then it was Easter. The last day of Break, Becca's real birthday, and the official kick off to all things Spring. We were a little late with our egg coloring this year, so here you see Bella and Harry painting eggs in their Easter best.
We spent the day at my sister's house. She planned an egg-cellent egg hunt (sorry, couldn't help myself).
And now you are caught up on our life. What's next? Lots! Stay tuned...